Tv tropes mega man x4
Tv tropes mega man x4

tv tropes mega man x4

  • Blue houses have a poster with a miniature pig and the words "Don't kick us!" in the PlayStation version.
  • tv tropes mega man x4

    In the N64 version, there's a "1963" poster. Orange houses have a "Peace" poster in the PlayStation version.Press the search button in the PlayStation version at the old vehicle after crash landing on Kattlelox Island, and nothing will happen, but on the N64 version you get two new bits of information about the vehicle.

    tv tropes mega man x4


    I've never see Paprika act up so much! But he's not like that for no reason! You must have done something to him! Admit it!" (Apple Market text 6D).ĭocument more differences, like the N64 version's poorer draw distance (needs screenshots) and slightly altered controls as well as the PC version. Although unused outside Japan, it appears all dialogue related to Paprika being kicked was translated, like " I had no idea. If you kicked the dog, it will act sad and fear Mega Man. Normally, Paprika will remain energetic after the event and even talk to Mega Man near the end of the game. If you choose that way, the proceeding dialogue involving Paprika will be different. Instead of reasoning with it like you can only do in the English version, you can kick the dog out of the scene and watch it run away squealing from Mega Man. This change also took out the alternate option of saving Tron Bonne from the dog, Paprika, in Rockman DASH. However, in Rockman DASH, you could kick the dull-colored dogs multiple times after they got incapacitated, whereas in Mega Man Legends you could kick them only once for each of the dogs. The exception to this change was the dull-colored dogs at the Old City, presumably because those are the only dogs-and animals-in the game that can attack and actually kill you, which would justify assaulting the dogs. This was made impossible to do in Mega Man Legends. Mega Man could kick animals or shoot down birds with his Mega Buster. In the Japanese version of Mega Man Legends, the player was able to attack some animals without penalty. The dialogue for this sequence was translated, but the scene itself is absent in the international versions. A lonely Servbot in the Old City appears at the top of the warehouse claiming " We're not d-d-doing anything in the warehouse, nope!".The two men behind the bank counter say " How'd you get in?" and " Was that door open?".With the use of certain cheats, such as changing the player's position and performing moon jumps, one can access areas to see texts that normally are not possible: (Goes to the used text) Other Strange Text "Do you know how your shield works? Of course! (Shows the unused "Then why'd you ask me?) Um, no. Text EC shows that this dialog is still present at this location. When going to Lake Jyun, the player can again ask Data about their shield, but this time he will go directly into his explanation. Boat Shopĭuring various parts of the game, the player can ask Data about their shield which will then prompt Data to ask you if you know how your shield works. Text 8B is "The Yasmar Woods are this way. Text 24 shows that the player was apparently able to search for Tron in the sewers:

    Tv tropes mega man x4